Thursday, 9 October 2008

Company's Experience

Our experience are:
  1. Research on Traditional Chinese Architecture and Settlement, a comparative study between Java and China
  2. Tourism Masterplan in Central Kalimantan Province
  3. Planning the Growth pole of Sukamara Regency
  4. Master Plan Study for Industrial development in Sukamara Regency
  5. Feasibility Study of railway transportation in Central Kalimantan Province
  6. Planning Middle Term Development in Sukamara Regency
  7. Town Planning of Kuala Kapuas
  8. Cities Development Studies in Central Kalimantan Province
  9. Regional Planning of Kapuas Regency
  10. Planning Long Term Development in Sukamara Regency
  11. Planning the Growth Pole in Murung Raya Regency
  12. Detail Town Planning of Puruk Cahu in Murung Raya Regency
  13. Master Plan Studies of Tourism in Kotawaringin Barat Regency
  14. Action Plan for Revitalisation of Traditional settlement in Kotawaringin Barat Regency
  15. Town Planning of Puruk Cahu in Murung raya Regency